
Mind Over Matter

  So I must say the devil worked hard on making sure this blog does not get released so I know it must be good stuff! They often say "An idle mind is the devil's workshop" but I'll say, "An unhealthy mind is the devil's playground"! You cannot exist above the situations of life without a healthy mind. No wonder the suicide rate in America alone is estimated at 1.38M suicide attempts in 2019. The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2019 was 13.93 per 100,000 and there are 130 suicides per day. Why?? Let's start from the basics. What is the mind? Philosophers would come up with a million ideas. I choose to describe the mind as a tool, an equipment much like a computer. It is an element in the soul that controls six (6) major functions such as - perception / belief, - cognition / IQ, - reasoning , - creativity - decision making/ consciousness/ judgement seat - memory They are used to tackle life's experiences. The mind acts on information stored within it